London Marathon Celebrations!

A huge congratulations to the wonderful Robyn and Zoe for completing the London Marathon this weekend!

We would like to give a huge congratulations to Robyn and Zoe completing the 26 miles of the London Marathon today. What an absolutely incredible and inspiring achievement and the Ella Dawson Foundations first ever London Marathon runners…we are so proud of you both💛

Thank you so much for choosing to run for #TeamElla and raising over £2500 already.

There is still time to support Robyn and Zoe’s fantastic achievement and send them the huge well done they deserve through the links below.


Congratulations and thank you so much for joining our mission that every young adults with a cancer diagnosis and their families and carers get the tools and support they need to live well and feel empowered.

If you are feeling inspired and would like to join #TeamElla for the Great North Run in September and take in the Worlds Biggest Half Marathon you can sign up today!

Great North Run - Sign Up Here